Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Internet, eh?....Blog, eh?....Maude, eh?

So, here we are, the very first post in my blog. Why am I blogging? (And why does "blogging" sound dirty?) Not because I'm in Venezuela and am too lazy to email people every little random thought I have (hi Ian!). Well, I guess except for the Venezuela thing, that last part is true.

Mostly, though, I was thinking about blogging for some time, just didn't really have any motivation. But yesterday was a bad day, and I need something to take my mind off of things, so I am occupying my time with flinging shit into cyberspace and hoping some of it sticks to someone's brain. Or at least provides a chuckle or two.

So, to start things off, I just want to say that yesterday reminded me how awesome my friends are. From the three fellas participating (at least part-time) in my 12-hour drinking binge (Beard even brought me a 40!) to the people I talked to on the phone who cheered me up, it was pretty awesome. Even got an email from my boy Mark, who is in Japan, livin' la vida oishii (OK, OK. So the first part of that was Spanish, and oishii, which actually means delicious, was the only Japanese word I could think of. But I'm flying by the seat of my pants, here, so give me a break).

All in all, it was a pretty shitty day, but some old friends made it a hell of a lot better. So raise your glasses (figuratively if you're me and don't want to drink again tonight) to these fine people. I love you all.

OK, guess that's it for the first entry in my blog. Ha, blog. That's a funny word. Go ahead, say it out loud. Blog.


At 9:23 PM, Blogger Evan said...

You're not stupid. A blog is short for "weblog", i.e. a log of stuff, you know, on the web! it's like an online diary. but diary sounds girly.

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what the web is. I have never even heard of it. Am I stupid?

Anonymous Bret

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Evan said...

yes, bret, you are. :)


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