Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Your Name Here

OK, so on the first day of blogging, I focused on the blogging itself and not so much on the title of my blog.

Today, I decided I should have something pithy atop this monstrosity, and my bro Keith suggested finding an anagram of the original name "Evan's Blog." Problem was, the two best candidates were "Bong Slave" and "Bag Novels." While bagging novels would theoretically free up more time for people to read my blog, it just wasn't catchy enough. And while the other alternative was a little catchier, I didn't want to paint myself as some kind of servant of, ahem, tobacco water pipes.

So now's your chance to reply to this post and come up with a better name for the blog. I beseech you (something people haven't done since Shakespeare's day) to provide some alternative naming solutions (which, if I had an e-business, that would be the slogan of it). Have at it. Please.


At 9:45 PM, Blogger Glitzy said...

How's life in Chapel Hill? I graduated from Carolina in the 90s. I miss Chapel Hill.

Neat idea on the anagram. Try this page..I've lost hours playing around with anagarams in different languages.

At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evan, it's Dave here, posting anonymously.
I think 'Mr. Blog' or 'Dr. Blog' would make a good title. Or Wankette?
I'll keep thinking on it.

At 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BAG Novels actually works better, if you consider it an acronym for Big Asian Guy. So the blog could be stories about people like Yao Ming or Travis Wong or Eddie Kim. Might want to google Wong or Kim to find out more about the former Texas A&M and James Madison baseball players. But they are big.



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