Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Prone to Creativity

Here’s something very interesting: according to a recent study, we’re more creative when lying down as opposed to standing.

It certainly explains why I have tons of brainstorms when I’m trying to go to sleep at night, yet not so many when I’m say, changing a lightbulb.

I mean, Michaelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel lying down, right?

What it doesn’t explain is why the New York Times bestseller list is not comprised entirely of books by hookers.

But oh well. Someday.

The theory also lends itself tremendously to a whole bevy of quality pickup lines. How 'bout you and I go "get creative" at my place, baby?

Of course, to explain said pickup line, you’d probably have to carry a copy of the aforementioned article around with you everywhere. Unless there were some other way to work it out. If only I could think of one.

I’ve got to go lie down.


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