Tony Flags
So the movie Desperado is on TV tonight, and my roommate, the venerable Aaron Fitt has not seen it. In one of the early scenes, when Antonio Banderas first walks into the Cheech-tended bar and gets into a gunfight, Fitt and I have the following conversation.
Fitt: It’s weird seeing Tony Flags as a bad ass.
Me: I’m sorry, did you just call Antonio Banderas Tony Flags?
Fitt: I like to Anglicize stuff.
And I started to wonder….are there other names we can do this to? And can we do it in reverse? Can we turn Josh Hartnett into Jose Red de Corazon? Okay, okay, that’s a stretch, I’ll admit it.
But seriously, someone give me something here. There have to be more of these, and my brain hurts.
Skip Carey always use to call back-up Braves catcher Henry Blanco "Hank White." He seemed to think it was funny.
Not quite the same, as the first name is Anglo, but it's in the ballpark.
As I know very little Spanish, this will end my communique.
PS Peaches are coming in mighty early this year.
Sure are. You know what they say: early peaches, long summer.
Sorry, couldn't help myself.
How about the Pistons' Carlos Delfino, or as I like to call him, Chuck Dolphin?
Or Enrique Iglesias, better known as Rick Churches?
Or my new favorite, if you allow for some Latin (not Latino, but Latin) translation: Fidel Castro, or Loyal I Castrate?
Wally Backman, eh? Gotta love that. Who's next to comment, Timmy Teufel? Thanks, Wal.
Speaking of Rick Churches, what about his Dad, July Churches??
(Hi, Evan)
What about Terry Henry
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