Friday, February 18, 2005

E All You Can E

I have a fever, so bear with me here, but I saw this story today and couldn’t believe it. It’s about how American soldiers traumatized in Iraq and Afghanistan are being given Ecstacy to relieve flashbacks and recurring nightmares.

Hey, that’s cool. I’ve never tried Ecstacy, but it always seems fun when they take a recreational drug and find a medical use for it. Of course, then it only seems like a matter of time before some dilated-pupil trance-dancer is claiming, “Officer, it’s medicinal. You know, for my recurring nightmares."

But I digress. The best paragraph in this story is about how the Ecstacy treatment is administered:

The existing drug-assisted therapy sessions last up to eight hours, during music [sic] is played. The patients swallow a capsule containing a placebo or 125mg of MDMA - about the same or a little more than a typical ecstasy tablet.

Okay, well aside from the fact that they forgot the word “which” in the first sentence there, here’s my beef: Is it just me, or does this therapy sound suspiciously like a rave. I mean, if someone told you they ate some E and then spent the next eight hours listening to music, is the first thought that comes to your head going to be, “Ah, he must have had an army therapy session.” Probably not.

Well, now it’s back to Halls mentho-lyptus therapy for me. Music optional.


At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm, how is this different than prescibing the occasional drinking binge to cope with your problems?

Private Ogle: "You see, Doc, every time I close my eyes all I can see are angry athletes yelling and chasing me."

Doc: "Here. Take 12 of these and call me in the middle of tomorrow afternoon when you awaken hungover."

(By the way, I had a dream last night that I became best friends with Eric Montross all the sudden. How weird is that? He gave me a ride home in his car. He did not take it out, for those of you wondering.)


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