Friday, June 17, 2005

The Final Word on Guam, Finally

Well, elected to take down Ogle's cockfighting story, and the very same day, people come out of the woodwork for 10 more comments on the original blog post.

Can we get the fuck over this, people? Or is Congress coming to me next for an apology? Let's hope its not, because that's got as good a chance of happening as Ogle enjoying a quiet, hassle-free vacation to the South Pacific in his lifetime.

Anyway, I say let's put this all to rest. Although I am curious how all these Guamanians found this blog in the first place. Is it the through the radio guy who keeps calling Ogle "Mike Ugly?" Is it simply word of mouth? I must know.

Still, I'm not sure what I'm more curious about: how the morons calling the two of us ugly found their way here, or how they managed to log onto the internet in the first place without hurting themselves.

So let's call it a day on this non-argument that has people riled up beyond belief for no good reason.

Mail me an "I Love Guam" T-shirt and I'll wear it. But don't come here acting petty, inarticulate and, worst of all, cowardly (this means you, anonymous commenters). You're the ones making Guam look bad.


At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ESPN had to apologize for "hearsay"

Funny how you can't trust the media!

As for the anonymous making Guam look bad... speak for yourself Evan for even associating yourself and defending Mike FUGLY!

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only person who thought it was funny that "La bona," which is Spanish for "The bona" posted a note about contraception.


(P.S. I'm a 'Carolinian hick' so call me Bret FUGLY)

At 12:33 PM, Blogger Glitzy said...

Wow Evan...whoda thought one post could garner such unintelligible comments. My particular fave was how your blog was full of 'aryan smack'. *shakes head*

Those commenters are sure making Guam look so sophisticated and intelligent. Woo boy.

Hope ya have a good week!

At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe you can't trust the media

but who can you trust?


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